Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013


It’s been a month I haven’t updated my blog yet. Been busy for many things and yeah don’t have time for this. I’m happy that I have a few time to write now. I want to share about a thing that I’ve just started.. which is college time.

Yeah.. I’m back to school not because I am a teacher but the literal meaning. I continue my study to a higher level again. I take master program in a State University in Jakarta majoring in Management of Education. It’s been a week I ran with it and it’s so damn TIREEEDD!
Tired because of some things. Let me explain…

Tired of…

  •    going back and forth to the campus (Rawamangun) – Work (Tg. Priok) – Work (Sunter)  riding motorcycle by my self from one place to another place.

  • dealing with some birocracy lately (CPNS) so I have to go back and forth to Police station, Kecamatan Office, took TOEFL test, do medical check-up, prepare some documents, do some registration.. blaa..blaa…

  • dealing with task. Yeah.. as a teacher I also have task. FAIR enough, isn’t it? I give tasks to my students and I do have tasks. Doing the RPP, Program Semester, Jam Efektif, Daftar Hadir, Daftar Nilai, KKM and bla..bla..bla..

  •  dealing with data Verval NUPTK Padamu Negri. It’s been months ago and it still appears! How could! Aaahhh… preparing some incomplete document. And it takes times to complete!

  •    dealing with college. Because I am a new student so I have to adjust soon to everything new in the uni. Not only to prepare the time to do all the tasks, but also I have to get in touch with some new people and get along with them. Because for me, once you don’t have friends in the college, you’ll be forever alone until the end. Hehehe… but somehow it’s true. But Thanks God I have known some friends and tried to be more friendly.

  •   dealing with the tailor. Me and my Mom put some fabrics at the tailor and we have to go back and forth to check how far it’s already been doing…

  •    practicing with the choir. On the next October my church choir is going to join a festival and I’m in it. In case this is a great festival (once in two years) so we are seriously doing for this. We practice so hard and  try to catch up with the pages song.. OOUUCCH!
  •  and many more...
      Actually I've written this post 2 weeks ago but it doesn't mean lessen all my tasks.. 

sometimes I just feel want to cry everytime I get tired. Tired because I can’t control my time. If I could divide myself to be parts.. I guess everything will be alright. But above all, I am thankful for the change to feel tired and busy. To manage my time is the best solution right now! Hopefully my weak and fragile body support me in everything I do. 

                                        Here it is me (in the middle) with my new friends at college



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